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The partner for your used machinery business

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SmartTrade Pro

Your used business made easy with our trade-in app

Simplify your trade-ins.

Streamline your used business with a seamless, digital process from evaluation to selling.

Make accurate evaluations.

See real market prices for similar machines!

Enrich data in an instant.

Auto-fill machine data just by entering the serial number.

Reduce days in stock.

Get access to E-FARM’s international sales network with just a click.

What our partners say

Learn what others think about selling with us

  • Andreas Obermair

    Head of Used Business

    Andreas Obermair, Head of Used Business

    “SmartTrade will improve our new and used machinery profits by more than €1m each year”

    Lagerhaus Technik Center, Austria

More success selling online

E-FARM breaks down the barriers for farmers to buy online

SmartTrade makes it easy to advertise your used machines internationally and lets you access E-FARM’s unique selling services. Let our multi-lingual sales team sell your used stock for you!

Farmers feel comfortable buying online with E-FARM’s unique services which include warranty, inspection, and transport.

See the features

Auto-filled machine details. Easy customer signatures. Access to an international sales team. And much more!

Find out how SmartTrade can help your used business in our 2-minute tour.

How it works

Why choose E-FARM SmartTrade Pro?

Digital Machine Capture

Auto-fill machine data just by entering the serial number.

Smoother Evaluations

Beat your competitor to the quote with faster evaluations.

Sell faster

Post to your favourite portals and let E-FARM market your machines internationally with just a click.

Financial benefits

SmartTrade can increase dealer profitability by up to €1,500,000 every year

Partner dealers

Over 1,000 dealers already use E-FARM’s SmartTrade to sell their used inventory.



per month

  • International re-marketing
    Automated, international re-marketing of your used machinery.
  • Multi-lingual sales support
    Sales team ready to answer questions in 14 languages.
  • Selling services
    Transport, inspection and warranty services.