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Fendt Logo
Case IH logo
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Massey Ferguson logo
Valtra logo

How about combining the personal support of your local dealer with the large selection and great prices of an online platform? That is possible. Welcome to E-FARM!

Since 2015, we have been working for you to find the best used agricultural machinery offers from all over Europe every day. Our team of experts is always at your side from the search to the transport to the registration.

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This is what you get

Access to Europe’s largest machine selection.

Up to 20% cheaper.

An independent quality machine check.

Purchase machines outside your local range.

Full-service from transport to document check.

Convenient trade-in of old machines.

Our experts

We have experts for every language, region, and machine type.

    Happy Customers

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    See more Happy Customers
    • Kiriakos Bakirtzis


      Kiriakos Bakirtzis, Greece

      "I was specifically looking for a machine that I could not find in Greece. The E-FARM website had a lot of options and I found what I was searching for."

      Deutz-Fahr AGROTRON M 620 from Germany

    • Albert Usall


      Albert Usall, Spain

      "I’ve bought three machines with E-FARM.COM already. They offer machines I cannot get locally. Thanks to the inspection and transport service it feels like buying from your next-door neighbour."

      Fendt 824 Profi Plus from France

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