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Used farm machine deals from all over Europe

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Find your machine online and buy from home.

Europe-wide selection of farm machinery.

Easy transport available.

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Benefit from the best machine deals.

Neutral machine inspection.

Know the exact machine's condition before buying.

Hi, my name is Joshua Belmonte...

...and I'm your personal Sales contact at E-FARM!

I'm here to answer all questions you might have, guide you through your purchasing process and of course provide you with the optimal machine at the best price. Let's talk - on the phone or via e-mail or messenger.

In just 4 easy steps to your next used farm machine

  1. Find and request your perfect used farm equipment among thousands of machines.
  1. Talk to your personal consultant to get individual guidance throughout the whole purchasing process.
  1. Have your machine checked by an independent DEKRA expert providing you with a personal inspection report.
  1. Get your machine delivered to your farm with our insurance-covered transport solutions.

Hamburg-based E-FARM is your experienced provider of high-quality used farm equipment across Europe and beyond.

Sit back and relax as we handle the full purchase process for you - from finding the perfect machine to our neutral pre-purchase inspection to save delivery right to your front door. In addition, E-FARM offers a wide range of services, just like our Europe-wide warranty, trade-in of your old machine or purchase on account.

Some of the Happy Customers who have bought with us

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Jesús Martinéz, Spain

Fendt 927 from Germany

Stefano Rosati, Italy

Laverda al quattro from France

Hermann-Josef Rüther, Germany

Case IH Puma 175 CVX from Germany

Christos Georgiou, Cyprus

Massey Ferguson 6480 from Germany

Popular machine types on E-FARM

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